


The authors of long or short papers are expected to submit an original work. In this regard, only unpublished long and short papers that have not been submitted for publication or that have not already been published as Conference proceedings will be considered for presentation at the Conference and possible inclusion in the subsequent Conference proceedings. At the time of submission, the authors must certify the originality of their work.

Each author is invited to carefully view the description of the Conference theme, SIMA thematic groups and Case study tracks on the website (click directly on the name of the thematic track listed on the previous page) in order to access a full description of the topics proposed and, when submitting the paper, to choose the conference track that is most fitting. If the choice of topic is not suitable for the thematic group, the paper will be assigned to another track.

In the collaborative logic of our scientific community, each author could be requested to provide reviews of at least two works (1 long paper between March and May 2025 and 1 short paper in April 2025). In addition, each corresponding author will be requested to evaluate the quality of feedback of the reviewing process.

Failure to be available as a reviewer or evaluator for the Conference within the indicated times and failure to comply with the guidelines provided in carrying out the reviewer’s task will make authors ineligible for awards.

Each participant at the Conference may:

* submit a maximum of three papers as author/co-author,

* present a maximum of two papers (or of three papers if singularly presented).

Each paper must have a maximum of five authors.

At least one author/co-author of long or short papers must present the research output during the Conference parallel sessions. Failure to present will exclude the paper(s) from the Conference Proceedings and awards.

Long paper submission

Long paper submissions for the Sinergie-SIMA Management Conference have to be formatted using the Conference template published online at

Papers should be a maximum of 10,000 words and should include the following information:

• Title

• Author(s) qualifications, scientific discipline, email address and mobile phone number - this information is for the exclusive use of Sinergie’s administration

• Contributor statement in the case of co-authored papers

• Acknowledgement

• References to the research on which the paper is based

• Structured abstract (no more than 300 words) containing the following information: framing of the research, purpose of the paper, methodology, results, research limitations, managerial implications, and originality of the paper.

• Keywords

• References

To ensure the quality of editing, especially of tables, graphs and figures, it is common to use a Microsoft Word format, compatible formats are accepted as well. File in .bmp, .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .gif formats can create problems in editing. If possible, please avoid these formats and provide files containing additional tables and graphs in their original format (e.g., xls).

Footnotes should be used only for comments, to provide more detail or not alternative considerations; they should not contain bibliographic information.

It is recommended to avoid changes in the title of the paper and in the composition of the authors, once submission is completed.

Short Papers submission

Short Papers submissions for the Sinergie-SIMA Management Conference have to be formatted using the Conference template published online at

The Short Papers may be in the form of a report on a completed research project or a description of an ongoing or near completed research project. The Conference will provide a valuable opportunity to benefit from debate among peers: thus, Short Papers describing ongoing research projects must clearly identify their conceptual development, objectives and methodological frameworks. Also, authors must indicate clearly that the research is “work-in-progress”. Short Papers should be a maximum of 5,000 words and a minimum of 3,500 words. For editing rules, please follow Long Paper submission directions.

References and Internet websites

References should be listed in alphabetical order and, for authors with multiple references, ordered chronologically. References must be formatted as follows:


BACCARANI C., GOLINELLI G.M. (2015), The non-existent firm: Relations between corporate image and strategy, Sinergie Italian Journal of Management, Vol. 33 No. May-Aug, pp. 313-323.


PORTER. M. (1985), The competitive advantage: Creating and sustaining superior performance, Free Press, New York.

Book chapters

PHILLIPS R., BARNEY J., FREEMAN R., HARRISON J. (2019), Stakeholder Theory, in Harrison J., Barney J., Freeman R., Phillips R. (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Stakeholder Theory, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Internet websites

Websites should be mentioned separately below the references.


Long papers

Long papers will undergo a double-blind peer review process by reviewers with expertise in the thematic area selected during the submission process.

After the peer review, long papers can be accepted in full, accepted with modifications required or rejected. In the case of partial acceptation, the Authors can decide to send a revised manuscript that includes the reviewers’ suggestions or to not send it, by confirming the first version of the manuscript submitted.

The accepted long papers could be included in the Conference Proceedings and, furthermore, they will be evaluated to be awarded a prize and, eventually, to be published in Sinergie Italian Journal of Management.

Short Papers

Short papers will undergo a single-blind peer review process by reviewers with expertise in the thematic area selected during the submission process.

After the review, short papers can be accepted or rejected.

The accepted short papers will be included in the Conference Proceedings and, furthermore, they will be evaluated to be awarded a mention.